chemical composition
Molecular structure: C6H5OCH2CH2OCOCH3 molecular weight 180
Performance and Application
KL-EPA is a colorless, transparent liquid with pleasant floral and fruity characteristics.
This product is non-toxic to humans and livestock, and is a green and environmentally friendly product.
This product is a bifunctional advanced industrial solvent, and its solvent performance is better than ethylene glycol ether, propylene glycol ether and general solvent.
This product can be used as a variety of synthetic polymer material resin, rubber, fiber vitamin and natural polymer material grease, wax, rosin and other excellent solvents, in coatings, inks, adhesives, can greatly improve product performance.
Due to the high boiling point and moderate evaporation rate, this product can make the paint have slow drying characteristics, and is more suitable for color paint and latex paint; In the automobile and home appliance industries, as an auxiliary solvent for baking paint, the performance of baking paint can be significantly improved; In the textile printing and dyeing industry, as a solvent for textile dyeing and finishing aids, it is suitable for transfer printing and dyeing processing.
Packaging and Storage